海南省规划展览馆 Hainan province planning exhibition

已认证 1个

/ Info


The whole area is about 6000 square meters,from different aspects of Hainan's history, ecological resources, development achievements and future plan, to show you the full display of the Hainan past, present, and future.There are two floors, the first floor includes the Entrance Hall、Historical footprint Hall、Biological Resources Hall、The development achievement hall and  “beautiful Hainan” experience theater;the second floor includes Provincial development plans integration、Industrial Development and Ecological Protection、 Infrastructure and public services hall、Department of new urbanization and urban-rural integrated planning 、 Demonstration of  Planning Hainan  table model  and the 180-degree arc cinema to watch the "China Dream, Hainan Dream".

/ Company

海南省规划展览馆 Hainan province planning exhibition

类型 其他事业单位

行业 社会保障

规模 20人以下

地址 海口市国兴大道9号省政府办公区会展楼西侧附楼 No. 9 Guoxing Avenue West Annex of exhibition building