Hainan Nanhai network media Co., Ltd南海网

已认证 4个

/ Info

Founded on January 1, 1999, www.hinews.cn, one of the most important and authoritative news portal of Hainan Province, is supervised by the Publicity Department of CPC Hainan Provincial Committee and the Office of Hainan Affairs Commission. The news website is one of the three mainstream province-level media organizations in Hainan, which are the Hainan Daily, Hainan Broadcasting Group, and Hinews.cn.  Hainan International Media Center (HIMC) is established under President Xi Jinping’s general requirements of “connecting China with foreign countries and communicating with the world”, to comprehensively improve the level of publicity of Hainan Pilot Free Trade Zone and the Free Trade Port with Chinese characteristics, and play a role of publicity for the countries around the South China Sea and along the Maritime Silk Road in the 21st century, as well as in accordance with the overall arrangement of the Publicity Department of Hainan Provincial Party Committee, to promote the in-depth integration and development of the media. As an important platform for the international communication of Hainan Free Trade Port, the HIMC was established at the beginning of this year and officially launched on November 6th, 2019 by Mr. Liu Cigui,the Secretary of Hainan Provincial Party Committee.  Since its establishment, the HIMC has introduced a group of talents who have studied abroad, including English reporters, English editors, English presenters, English program planners, English new media editors, and English video editors. In the past year, the HIMC English reporting team has released the important policies, news and information about Hainan Pilot Free Trade Zone and Free Trade Port as soon as it’s available. At the same time, it provided original English news to the special project on Hainan jointly set up by Hainan Provincial Government and Russia’s TASS News Agency, playing an active role in enhancing the global exposure of Hainan mainstream media.  With the brand strategy on reports, columns and programs, the HIMC continuously strengthens the construction of foreign language content to improve the readability and professionalism, focusing on three brands including “The Voice of Hainan”, Hainan’s first Internet English News Audio program, “Foreigners in Hainan”, Hainan’s first online bilingual video program, and “This is Hainan”, a bilingual video program that hosted by foreign presenters to introduce Hainan’s culture and customs.  南海网(www.hinews.cn)创办于1999年1月1日,是由中共海南省委宣传部、中共海南省委网络安全和信息化委员会办公室主管,经国务院新闻办公室认定的海南省级重点新闻网站,是海南省委省政府认可的“一报一台一网”海南三大主流媒体之一。     南海网坚持“新闻立网、移动优先”,以“快速、全面、权威、公信、价值”为新闻传播宗旨,拥有海南规模最大的网站数字内容采集加工团队,拥有视频、移动直播、航拍、动漫、H5、vlog、图片、文字等全媒体传播手段和平台。     2018年4月,中央决定,支持海南全岛建设自贸区和中国特色自贸港,南海网抢抓重大发展机遇,对网站定位进行了新一轮调整,致力于打造中国最大自贸区、自贸港权威信息发布+综合服务平台、环南海国际传播平台和区域媒体融合协同平台。南海网于2019年1月1日进行了新一轮改版升级,增设了“this is hainan”外文频道等重要版块和内容,成为国内外网友获得海南自贸区、自贸港权威资讯的主要渠道。      南海网凭借海南主流媒体首支英文报道团队,在全省媒体中率先搭建英文平台及英文栏目矩阵,开设This is  Hainan(这里是海南)、The Voice of Hainan(海南之声)、The Voice of Free Trade Port(自贸港之声)等平台及栏目,已成为海南原创外文报道内容的重要提供者,有力提升了南海网国际传播能力和水平。2019年11月,海南国际传播中心正式启用,南海网国际传播能力得到进一步提升。

/ Company

Hainan Nanhai network media Co., Ltd南海网

类型 其他事业单位

行业 广播电视传输服务

规模 100-499人

地址 海南省海口市龙华区金盘路30号海南日报社8楼